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Book reviews by: R. S. Leergaard

General reviews of books (old & new) that I like. I'm also an amateur writer with several stories up on Wattpad under the pseudonym R. S. Leergaard

September 2019
reviewed: Vampires, Zombies and Ghosts, Volume 2
I don't have a story of my own in this one, but as it is, this is a two volume set and I did get copies of both volumes, so h...
Vampires, Zombies and Ghosts, Volume 2 (Read on the Run) - Liam Hogan, Laurie Axinn Gienapp, Catherine Valenti, Desmond Warzel, Jessica Lévai , Gerri Leen, Ginny Swart, Jude-Marie Green, C. M. Saunders, Scott Savino, Laird Long, Margery Bayne, Dianna Duncan, R. J. Meldrum, Michael Penncavage, Gina Burgess
reviewed: The Last King
*Reviewer's Note* The copy of this story I received for review – The Last King – is probably not the same version up for sale...
The Hidden King (The Brothers of Destiny #1) - J.C. Pereira
read and rated
September 2019
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September 2019
finished reading:
September 2019
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August 2019
reviewed: Vampires, Zombies and Ghosts Volume 1
This is a review of my advanced author's copy of Vampires, Zombies and Ghosts Volume 1. I won't be reviewing my own story in ...
Vampires, Zombies and Ghosts, Volume 1 (Read on the Run) - Laurie Axinn Geinapp, Cathy Valenti, Lucy Ann Fiorini, Laird Long, Larry Hinkle, Michael Penncavage, T. M. Tomlinson, Geri Leen, R. J. Howell, R S Leergaard
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May 2018
read and rated
May 2018
reviewed: Immortals' Requiem
Immortals’ Requiem – Vincent BobbeI’m not all that sure ‘lively’ is a word normally applied to zombie stories, but in this ca...
Immortals' Requiem - Vincent Bobbe
finished reading:
December 2016
reviewed: A Bit of a Twist – An Anthology of Short Stories
The second volume in the Read on the Run series by Smoking Pen Press, A Bit of a Twist is a collection of twelve short storie...
A Bit of a Twist: Read on the Run Anthology - Laurie Axinn Gienapp, Loni Townsend, Robert Petyo, Catherine Valenti, Charles Allen Gramlich, Jacqueline Seewald, Jeffrey Burton Russell
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reviewed: The Ancient – An Anthology by The Seven
Not all of the stories in this anthology involve actual lamps (Aladdin's or otherwise) but all do involve wish-granting artif...
The Ancient: An Anthology by The Seven - Bobbi Carol, Marlie Harris, Sherry Briscoe, Loni Townsend, Troy Lambert, Rochelle Cunningham, Catherine Valenti
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finished reading:
December 2016
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December 2016
reviewed: The Ancient: An Anthology by The Seven
Not all of the stories in this anthology involve actual lamps (Aladdin's or otherwise) but all do involve wish-granting artif...
The Ancient: An Anthology by The Seven - Catherine  Valenti
finished reading:
December 2016
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December 2016
reviewed: The Weatherman
Intentional or not, this turns out to be a cautionary tale about how easily public opinion can be manipulated. There is intri...
The Weatherman - Laurie Axinn Gienapp
finished reading:
December 2016
started reading:
August 2016
read and rated