started reading:
Vampires, Zombies and Ghosts, Volume 2 (Read on the Run)
Liam Hogan, Laurie Axinn Gienapp, Catherine Valenti, Desmond Warzel, Jessica Lévai , Gerri Leen, Ginny Swart, Jude-Marie Green, C. M. Saunders, Scott Savino, Laird Long, Margery Bayne, Dianna Duncan, R. J. Meldrum, Michael Penncavage, Gina Burgess
finished reading:
Vampires, Zombies and Ghosts, Volume 1 (Read on the Run)
Laurie Axinn Geinapp, Cathy Valenti, Lucy Ann Fiorini, Laird Long, Larry Hinkle, Michael Penncavage, T. M. Tomlinson, Geri Leen, R. J. Howell, R S Leergaard
started reading:
Vampires, Zombies and Ghosts, Volume 1 (Read on the Run)
Laurie Axinn Geinapp, Cathy Valenti, Lucy Ann Fiorini, Laird Long, Larry Hinkle, Michael Penncavage, T. M. Tomlinson, Geri Leen, R. J. Howell, R S Leergaard